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Gravel Vacuum for Aquarium Fish Tank Cleaning Tool Kit Aquarium Water Changer Siphon with Water Control Valve Heavy Duty Aquarium Gravel Cleaner Fish Tank Accessories - 50 Ft Hose
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Gravel Vacuum for Aquarium Fish Tank Cleaning Tool Kit Aquarium Water Changer Siphon with Water Control Valve Heavy Duty Aquarium Gravel Cleaner Fish Tank Accessories - 50 Ft Hose

Product ID: 485116919
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How do you keep your aquarium clean? Usually, aquarium cleanup requires removing all the decorations inside the tank. Then you do some gentle scrubbing here and there, siphoning water as well as dirt and debris from the bottom of the tank, and filling it up with clean water again. However, this process can put a lot of stress on your fish. Not to mention, it’s a huge hassle, too. What you need is an aquarium cleaning tool that will simplify the cleaning process to minimize the disturbance it causes to your pets to keep them happy and thriving. An added convenience would be if you can get a complete kit so that you won’t need extra tools, equipment, and effort to clean and maintain your aquarium. This Aquarium Pump Kit makes cleaning and maintenance of fish tanks a breeze. Our complete fish tank cleaning kit can be bought without a hose, with a 30-ft hose, or with a 50-ft hose. Thus, it’s perfect for both first-time buyers and repeat customers looking for spare parts or supplies. The pump kit without a hose can be used with any hose that you already have. If you choose the kits with hoses included, you’d find them easy to assemble, so they’ll be ready to use in no time. All of our aquarium pump kits have fish guards in their pipes. These fish guards have holes that are small so that only water and dirt can pass through them. This way, no fish will accidentally get sucked into the siphon or pipe while you’re cleaning the tank. More reasons to love this aquarium pump kit: - The pump kits with hoses conveniently include an extra hose. - No electricity required - No additional cleaning tools needed Save time and effort when cleaning your aquarium. Add the Aquarium Pump Kit to your cart TODAY!

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