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Champion Range and Target Ear Muffs-Passive Ear Protection Black 42820
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Champion Range and Target Ear Muffs-Passive Ear Protection Black 42820

Product ID: 460398033
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Protect your ears from damage and injury when using a firearm with these Passive Ear Muffs in Black from Champion. Champion's premium Passive Ear Muffs are all you need to protect your ears when firing your rifle, or in all kinds of other loud situations. It has a noise reduction rating of 27 decibels when used as directed, so that loud noises and shots are reduced to a more tolerable level for your ears. They're collapsible for easy storage and adjustable for the perfect fit, sure to provide protection for all sizes. Ideal for use at the shooting range, when out in the wild, or any other very loud environment where your ears could use some protection. Pick up Champion's Passive Ear Muffs today and your ears will thank you later. Avoid any injury or damage to your ears Noise reduction rating of 27 decibels to make loud noises tolerable Ideal for use at the shooting range, when hunting in the wild, and any other loud settings or events Collapsible for easy storage and adjustable for a snug fit Sleek all-black design will match any aesthetic Protect your ears from avoidable damage

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Farhan Q.

The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

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Imran F.

Very reliable shop with genuine products. Will definitely buy again!

2 weeks ago

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