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Focus Essential Oil Roll On, Pre-Diluted 10ml (1/3 fl oz), Great Studying Essentials
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Focus Essential Oil Roll On, Pre-Diluted 10ml (1/3 fl oz), Great Studying Essentials

Product ID: 39519139
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BENEFITS OF FOCUS BLEND Includes VETIVER, PEPPERMINT and ORANGE, all very well known to enhance clarity and concentration. Our FOCUS blend of essential oils are used to promote a sense of calm and clarity in order to stay focused on the task at hand. Great natural option for when you are STUDYING for that big test and just need to CONCENTRATE on the task at hand. Simply apply a few swipes across your temples or back of neck when needed. Our blend is pre diluted, so there is no need to add any additional carrier oils. 100% ALL NATURAL INGREDIENTSAll of our essential oil products are all natural with no synthetic additives to enhance the aroma, as found in many other cheaper alternatives. CONTAINS:PeppermintOrangeVetiverGeranium EgyptianLavenderSageSpruceCoconut OilSAFE APPLICATIONOur Roll-On line is pre-diluted with 100% coconut oil to allow for safe, immediate topical application when it is needed most. MAXIMUM CONVENIENCE!Roll ons are extremely popular because they make it so easy to travel with your essential oils. You can take your favorite stress-relieving blend with you on a long trip, to your workplace, or to the doctor’s office. Keep one in your purse or briefcase so that you have it right when you need it most! MONEY BACK GUARANTEEIf you are not completely satisfied with any of our products, let us know within 30 days and we will honor a full refund, no questions asked!

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