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M&Ms Crunchy Cookie Milk Chocolate Candy, Sharing Size  7.4 oz Bag
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M&Ms Crunchy Cookie Milk Chocolate Candy, Sharing Size 7.4 oz Bag

Product ID: 460395794
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What do you get when you combine two beloved classics into one? The New M&M’S Crunchy Cookie Milk Chocolate Candy, of course! This flavor is the best of both worlds, the perfect mix between classic M&M's and nostalgic chocolate chip cookies. NEW M&M'S Crunchy Cookie features a great-tasting crunchy cookie center covered in delicious milk chocolate, all wrapped in the colorful, iconic M&M'S shell. This resealable sharing size bag contains enough chocolate candy to fill candy dishes, add to baking recipes, or stock up for movie night all while keeping your candy fresher - longer. Enjoying some much needed me time? Pull out assorted M&M’S Crunchy Cookie Milk Chocolate candy while reading a new book, while scrolling Instagram, or while listening to music. Memories of that delicious fresh baked chocolate chip cookie smell at home? Us too, we can smell it now! We’ve all made cookies with our favorite M&M’s chocolate candy instead of chocolate chips in the cookie dough, but this time, we’ve got crunchy cookies inside M&M’s! All you need is a beverage of choice and someone to share the moment with. If that isn’t enough, scan the QR located on the front of each M&M’S pack and get access to exclusive content, recipes, and more. The new M&M’S Crunchy Cookie Milk Chocolate candy assortment is sure to be a trending topic so order this resealable sharing size candy today and share memorable moments with those you care about. Contains one (1) 7.4-ounce resealable bag of NEW M&M’S Cookie Crunchy Milk Chocolate Candy Assortment New M&M’S Crunchy Cookie Candy features a crunchy center, covered in delicious milk chocolate covered in the colorful candy shell Take delicious the extra mile with M&M'S Crunchy Cookie Milk Chocolate candy in ice cream, salty and sweet trail mix and chocolate chip cookie baked goods recipes This resealable bag keeps milk chocolate candy fresh for all occasions like movie night and road trips Get access to exclusive M&M'S content and baking recipes by scanning QR Codes on every pack

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Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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